Non Declawing Practice

Consequences of declawing

Dr. Elise believes other methods can be used to combat destructive or unwanted clawing without harming you pet for the rest of its life. Please see below for other alternatives such as soft paws, regularly trimming your cats nails or behavior training.


Declawing is like cutting off your toes and permantly changes the way your cat walks : (

The x-ray on the left is of a declawed cat's paw. The one on the right is a of a cat with intact claws.

A declaw is an amputation, and not always a complete one. Bones grow back. It's like walking with pebbles in your shoe - for life.

Please don't think declawing fixes behavioral issues; it creates them. A lot of declawed cats are surrendered at pounds and shelters due to litter box problems (the cat is upset, in pain, or can't stand the feel of litter on its paws) or biting. A cat without claws has only one way to protect itself.

Alternatives to Declawing : )

Please ask us how we can help with unwanted scratching behaviors ! We are here to help !